A blockchain talent shortage in China calls for closer collaboration

04 June 2019 • Activities & Updates
Bakyt Azimkanov
Global PR and Communications Director
Cardano Foundation logo over a black background.

The blockchain industry’s value in China is set to exceed US$116m (Rmb800m) amid a current shortage of more than 500,000 employees

The blockchain industry’s value in China is set to exceed US$116m (Rmb800m)
amid a current shortage of more than 500,000 employees. More than 600
blockchain enterprises will be established in the world’s most populous
country this year alone, according to the International Fintech Innovation
Conference (IFIC) speakers.

As more traditional companies expect to enter the blockchain industry, the demand of talent and skills will exponentially increase. This paves the way for the industry to cooperate with local educational institutions to design blockchain-related academic disciplines, labs and practical training camps in China.

As such, IOHK, the Cardano Foundation’s ecosystem partner, is in discussions with Chinese universities to design and implement a Haskell language training course. The Cardano Foundation and its ecosystem partners already provide and support a number of educational initiatives in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. Specifically, Haskell trainings and workshops are regularly conducted around the world, with recent courses taking place in Barbados, Ethiopia and Greece, and more in the planning.

In China, the Cardano Foundation has been fostering local community meetups in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen and the Cardano community is set to expand to other cities of the country.

Cardano – with the support of the Cardano Foundation and IOHK – were introduced to the Chinese crypto space to highlight the latest blockchain trends to academics and potential ways of cooperation, as well as to policymakers and entrepreneurs attending the conference in Hainan Province’s Sanya, a national free trade zone.

The Chinese blockchain industry has flourished since 2018, with local Internet and financial institutions already investing in blockchains in areas such as finance, public welfare. and commodity traceability. Within the financial sector, cross-border payments and digital content copyrights protection are among the most popular.

Watch the video highlights here:

About the Cardano Foundation: The Cardano Foundation is an independent Swiss standards body that oversees and supervises the advancement of Cardano and its ecosystem. The Foundation’s core focus is in developing a Cardano adoption strategy through to integration and execution, to enable fast-track value creation for inclusive and equitable growth. As the legal custodian of the protocol and the owner of the Cardano brand, the Foundation works to drive adoption and partnerships, grow the wider blockchain community, shape legislation, and commercial standards, and ensure stakeholder accountability. Find out more: www.CardanoFoundation.org

About the IFIC:

The International Fintech Innovation Conference (IFIC), themed “Unlocking the new economy”, was organized by the People’s Daily and the Sanya Municipal Government exploring the latest trends in blockchain, fintech and cross-border e-commerce as Hainan Province is increasingly piloting emerging technologies. More than 2,000 delegates took part in the 2019 conference.