Redefining property authenticity

Leveraging the Cardano blockchain’s unique capabilities to radically transform property authentication and fan engagement.

An image that says EPOCH Lacrosse over a photo of a crowd of people clapping.

A need for innovation
Epoch Sports has a reputation for excellence in the industry, but unlicensed merchandise threatens both intellectual property and brand authenticity.

Counterfeit products have become a global challenge, already accounting for 3.3% of trade worldwide and undermining revenue streams as well as client trust. Modern solutions are needed to secure intellectual property, address customer concerns, and simultaneously boost brand engagement and fidelity.

An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
$1.7 - $4.5 trillion lost to counterfeit or pirated goods
An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
Threatened brand reputation
An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
Diminished fan engagement

Powering the next frontier of authentication with the future-proof capabilities of the Cardano blockchain

Epoch Sports and Merchadise entered a technical collaboration with the Cardano Foundation to fundamentally improve merchandise authentication and fan engagement. The innovative approach uses the Cardano blockchain's security, immutability, and transparency to create a unique digital certificate of authenticity linked to the NFC chip embedded in each jersey.

The Cardano blockchain offers robust features to secure authenticity, protect IP, and enhance fan engagement.

Revolutionizing merchandise authenticity and fan engagement

The authenticity solution uses tokenization so that regulatory entities and end consumers can easily track the production process from design to material sourcing and manufacturing.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a bullseye.

Chip Scanning


Scanning the NFC chip embedded within the jersey.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a paper.

Online Registration


Registering the jersey online with a phone number and email address.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a megaphone.

360° Showcase


Display showcases a 360º view of the authenticated jersey, plus registration records and loyalty program details.

An icon consisting of small dots forming an check mark.

NFT Verification


Complete NFT metadata available online for external verification.


Driving business innovation with enterprise-grade blockchain solutions

Tamper-proof authenticity
Immutable and verified records to guarantee the product’s legitimacy
Secured intellectual rights
Every step registered to provide proof of authenticity and ownership
Enhanced trust
Ability to track the full production process with unchangeable and transparent records
Fan engagement
Numerous avenues for original initiatives that meet modern expectations
Sponsor integration
Extra opportunities for sponsor participation and integration in loyalty programs
Brand protection
Increased trust and interaction to safeguard revenue and brand reputation

"This exciting collaboration with the Cardano Foundation marks a significant milestone in licensed apparel, setting new standards for intellectual property protection, while also supporting fan engagement. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Merchadise’s customers can be assured of the authenticity of the products they purchase, while also gaining access to a range of possible offers and supports, simply by scanning an NFC chip."

Alex Phelan
CEO of Merchadise
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