Embracing transparent sustainability that works

Using blockchain to validate and register tree planting efforts with transparent, on-chain records.

An image that says "veritree" over a photo of a large forest.

A lack of trust in tree planting

The tree-planting industry frequently faces accusations of greenwashing, such as double counting and unverified restoration reporting, but the problem affects broader sustainability efforts.

Over 90% of companies that claim to plant trees, regrow coral, or restore other ecosystems do not publish restoration outcomes. This lack of transparency challenges organizations looking to scale and validate their initiatives.

An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
Lack of transparent global collaboration erodes trust
An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
Disjointed restoration efforts minimize positive impacts
An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
80% of enterprises plan to make sustainability investments
An icon consisting of small dots forming an arrow pointed down and to the right.
70% identify the need to prioritize other topics as a blocker for ESG

Tapping the power of enterprise blockchain to verify restoration efforts

veritree partnered with the Cardano Foundation to bring transparency to reforestation. Conducting an initial tree offering (ITO), veritree distributed fungible tokens to participants in the Cardano Forest initiative. These fungible tokens represented a physical tree and were exchangeable for an NFT commemorating each specific tree donation.

The Cardano blockchain enables transparency, builds trust, and empowers enterprises in their sustainability efforts.

Transforming the restoration space with blockchain

Make incorporating nature-based solutions simple and streamlined for any business model.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a leaf.

Descriptive utility token


Includes a high amount of interactive metadata describing the number of trees to plant, purpose, parties involved in the restoration initiative, and forthcoming steps.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a leaf.



Physical events take place with involved parties collecting and aggregating data off-chain via a cloud-synced mobile app.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a paper.



Data collected via the mobile app is inscribed and validated on the Cardano blockchain, becoming permanent, immutable, traceable, and available to everyone.

An icon consisting of small dots forming an check mark.

Verified reforestation


Donors redeem NFTs that provide an immutable receipt and donation record with the tree’s on-site coordinates verifying the plantation.

An icon consisting of small dots forming a book.

Follow-up tracking


veritree leverages JSON metadata together with Cardano’s advanced storage to create data records linked to specific points in time, enhancing transparency and trust.


Blockchain for authenticated SDG and ESG efforts.

Each NFT is serialized to a specific session and not only assures the event took place but also allows different parties to perform real-time management. Verification becomes possible for both funding and reporting purposes.

One million trees funded in three months
Transparent funding channels enable rapid, impactful environmental initiatives
No double counting
Ensuring every sustainability effort is uniquely verified maintains integrity and accuracy across all transactions
Greenwashing prevention
Establishing trust with consumers by leveraging blockchain’s immutable, transparent, and trackable records
Tangible results
Sustainability efforts effectively validated and monitored in real-time by any interested party
Increased user engagement
Empowering collective action by bridging individual and corporate sustainability efforts
Accessible sustainability solutions
Using blockchain to streamline the establishment of verifiable enterprise solutions

"Through working with the Cardano Foundation, we have aligned with their community's most knowledgeable and dedicated environmental leaders from around the globe. The strength of this partnership and collective effort will lead to global impact on a massive scale."

Derick Emsley
CEO at veritree
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